Have you ever found yourself in a funk but can't seem to find the words to explain to anyone, or even yourself, as to why exactly? Well that's okay. Feelings are for feeling after all, not explaining.
Feel your feelings. There's no rush. Just know that when you are ready to talk about it, there will always be someone willing to listen. Always.

I know I’m not myself right now
And you’re not sure what to do
But honestly, it is to do with me
And not a reflection of you
Thank you, but I don’t want to
Talk about it right now
Not because I don’t want to
But because I really don’t know how
I know you want to help me
You’re there to reach out a hand
But it’s hard to even explain to you
What I myself don’t understand
For now I think I’ll just sit with it
Allow it, just let it be
Instead of trying to resist it
I’ll let my emotions truly flow free.